lunedì, settembre 11, 2006

Domenica, giornata di straordinari al lavoro.

Gli unici presenti in ufficio eravamo noi. Io e i colleghi italiani che lavorano al mio stesso progetto. Tre persone.

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Hi Riccardo, it's Naomi. When I see people like you, so hidden, so apart from this world, but so sweet with such a noble soul and an opened heart like yours... I wonder how much this world can be cold and sad, to make you feel like this. I feel like yours' soul comrade but maybe not. It's true, You were right. Remember I will always have a room for you. In my heart, and anywhere, but my hated city, Marseille. You'll be in my thoughts. From France, your soul's comrade, Naomi.

Riccardo ha detto...

Bastardi... :-)